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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PAS: Unity talks only if PKR and DAP included

PAS today told Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak that it will hold unity talks with Umno only if PKR and DAP are included in the talks.

The condition was set by new PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali today.

"If Najib is not willing to have that, then we will not have talks with Umno," he told reporters at a press conference at party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

The press conference is being held in response to Najib's statement yesterday that he was open to unity talks with PAS.

The issue of PAS forming a unity government with Umno cropped up at the recently held PAS muktamar where it was openly promoted by party president Abdul Hadi Awang.

However Hadi's proposal met with severe objections from his own party although his deputy Nasharuddin Mat Isa was supportive of the idea.

PAS leaders who are against such talks include its spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat who has called it "ridiculous" to hold talks with Umno. Former vice-president Husam Musa is also another known critic.

Pakatan Rakyat leader have also expressed their concerns on Hadi's readiness to talk with Umno.

PKR leader and Pakatan's supremo Anwar Ibrahim has said that he had Hadi's undertaking of his commitment to Pakatan.

Hadi is expected to explain his stand to the Pakatan leaders at a meeting next Monday.




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