Biarpun berita ini pernah didedahkan dalam media suatu ketika dulu. Namun, pembongkaran kami tentang “rahsia sebenar” berita paling memeranjatkan tentang penglibatan Ahmad Shauqi Bin Ahmad Said iaitu Ketua Jabatan Perkhidmatan Korporat MAS (foto) yang merupakan anak kepada Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dalam kes penyeludupan bahan-bahan lucah kanak-kanak di Australia baru-baru ini telah menggemparkan seluruh negara. Kini baru rakyat Malaysia sedar tentang kenapakah Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan begitu terhutang budi kepada Kerajaan Malaysia. Terutamanya dalam kes “rasuah dan penyelewengan” yang melibatkan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat mutakhir ini. Terbaru kes Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim dan Spekaer DUN Perak.
Sebelum ini ramai yang kecewa dan terkejut bila SPRM begitu cepat dan pantas menyiasat setiap laporan yang dibuat terhadap pemimpin pembangkang, sedangkan mereka “membakul sampahkan” semua laporan tentang rasuah dan penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin UMNO dan Barisan Nasional selama ini. Akhirnya kini, kebenaran terserlah jua dan kita menyarankan agar beliau melepaskan jawatanya itu dengan segera jika tidak mahu SPRM dibubarkan. Ternyata, beliau telah terlebih dahulu “dirasuah” oleh Pejabat Perdana Menteri untuk membebaskan anaknya itu daripada dibicarakan dan menerima hukuman. Di bawah ini dipaparkan maklumat tambahan yang menyokong kebenaran laporan tentang perkara ini. Biarpun kejadian ini sudah lama berlalu, namun ia terpaksa dibongkar demi membuktikan kepada rakyat Malaysia tentang penglibatan Pejabat PM dalam kes ini jelas membuktikan yang wujudnya amalan “rasuah dan penyelewengan kuasa” yang nyata dalam hal ini. Sila rujuk artikel di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut:-
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A Malaysian Airlines pilot arriving in Adelaide was
found to have child sex videos on his laptop computer.
Artikel dari ABC News (Australia) 8 Feb 2008
Visiting Pilot Find Over Child Porn
ADELAIDE - A Malaysia Airlines pilot who was caught importing child pornography to Australia yesterday has faced court. When Ahmad Said, 25, arrived at Adelaide Airport yesterday he said he did not have anything to declare. But customs officers searched his laptop and found child sex videos. A handcuffed Said has faced court. Magistrate Simon Smart told him the videos were cruel and violent and it was a disgrace that the married father of two had brought the material to Australia. The magistrate said people like Said encouraged the market for child pornography. Said, whose wife is expecting their third child, was fined $6,000. He left court with a jumper over his head because of television camera crews.
Related Articles:
1. Malaysian pilot caught is ACA DG’s son?-drsaravananr.blogspot.com
2. ‘Porn pilot’ ‘under probe-thestar.com.my
3. Ahmad Said son of ACA director?-rockybru.com.my
Terbukti, Laporan akhbar juga pernah siarkan tentang berita ini dulu
Artikel dari Portal Berita Adelaide Now (Australia) 8 Feb 2008
A MALAYSIAN Airlines co-pilot has been convicted and fined for bringing child pornography into the country on his personal computer.
ADELAIDE - Ahmad Said appeared handcuffed in Adelaide Magistrates Court today on a charge of importing a prohibited item. Customs officers arrested the 25-year old at Adelaide International Airport yesterday, after finding three video files containing child pornography. The videos were titled “Reped (sic) Virgin”, “10-Year Old” and “High School Students.” ``This material is repugnant and abhorrent - any decent minded person would be so affected by it,” Magistrate Simon Smart said. Mr Smart said the rape scene featured a crying girl aged under 18 being forced to have sex with an older male. ``These are not victimless crimes - for every video that depicts such a scene there is a victim,” he said. Said’s computer was searched after he flew into Adelaide as co-pilot on a Malaysian Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur. His lawyer Stephen Barratt said Said had been e-mailed the video files and had not shown anyone else. “He was simply reckless, this was not material brought in to be disseminated,” Mr Barratt said. Mr Smart rejected the defence assertion that Said had ``no interest” in the pornography, saying there would be no market for such images without people like him. Mr Barratt said the conviction could ruin Said’s career as a pilot at Malaysian Airlines after rising rapidly through the ranks in the past few years. “The result of this conviction … could alter the whole of his life and his family,” Mr Barratt said. Mr Barratt said Said’s arrest and detention in custody for almost 24 hours was “fairly harsh.” “He has suffered from being kept overnight in custody and now sits before the court manacled, which he describes to me as one of the lowest points of his life,” Mr Barratt said. Magistrate Smart fined Said $5,000 and ordered that his laptop be forfeited to the Crown.
[Bagi kami, apa yang didedahkan ini adalah satu bukti jelas yang Ketua Pesuruhjaya SPRM sebenarnya tidak layak berada di situ. Ini kerana, beliau telah “dirasuah” awal-awal lagi oleh pihak kerajaan terutamany pemimpin UMNO bagi memastikan keselamatan dan kuasa mereka terjamin. Lantaran itulah kita tidak hairan, undang-undang rasuah di negara kita hanya menangkap dan mendakwa “ikan bilis” sebaliknya melepaskan “ikan paus”. Ini semua berlaku kerana mereka yang memegang jawatan tersebut sudah tidak amanah dan bertanggungjawab dalam tugas mereka. Kita yakin, selepas ini ramai lagi pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat akan didakwa atas kes rasuah dan penyelewengan selepas ini nanti].Pahangdaily
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